Best way to a cleaner and clearer looking skin

Over doing anything can do harm your skin but over doing wrongly can be a disaster for it. You might have been using your facewash for ages now. But Did you know? You might have been using it all wrong this far. Not too sure ???


Relax. We got you covered now & from now onwards you’ll never be doing it wrong.

Doing your face clean-up in routine is a good habit to introduce in your daily life but using it to most effective way is another. In a quick short points below, we have summed up for you some of general tips & tricks that people usually forget while doing a facewash. Not following these while cleaning your face can result in harming your skin even more and leaving it more prone to acne and pimples.

  1. Cleaning process- cleaning your skin using a facewash is a must as it unclogs pores and removes dead skin cells. But AM to PM routine life exposes your skin to more dirt, oil and bacteria that causes pores blocking slurry. So we rate PM cleansing process more above AM. Also to add to this you should always cleanse your skin in a circular motion. This activates your skin regeneration action and removes dead skin cells.
  2. Luke Warm Water- Using too hot or too cold water can result in leaving your skin too dry or too oily for later of the day. Try using lukewarm water more often to have a better cleansing effect onto your skin with every wash.
  3. Exfoliation- It is a good thing to do for your face skin but do not overdo it. Try using an exfoliator once or twice in a week rather using it every day or every other night. This will help your skin feel better, lighter and reduced clogged pores.
  4. Trash it up- Remove all your daily use generic soap bars. They do no good to your skin, except for the natural handmade ones. They contain sulphates which leave your skin overly dry and more prone to acne.
  5. Tap it like a baby- Don’t be a juggernaut with your skin, just use a soft towel to pat dry your facial skin. This will keep it soft and would not squeeze up the hydration you provided it with that splash of water.
  6. Toning & Moisturizing- Guys please pay attention, toning & moisturizing is an important part of skin cleansing routine. We have noticed that most of the men tend to miss out on either one or both of these. Cleaning your face with a facewash leaves your skin more loose and prone to pimples and other types of skin irritation. A proper hydration using a toner and moisturizing it further to finish the line with a natural moisturizer is necessary. So guys you better keep that in mind for the next time…!!!

So from now you’ll be an expert of your skin, try implementing these steps and let us know how skin feels a week or two later.