Be Natural, Be Your Own Kind of Beauty with Hemp Seed Body Yogurt

Hemp Yogurt



Now Moisturized and Healthy skin is not a distant dream. Thanks to the Hemp seed body yogurt which is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins and fatty acids. Hemp Seed Oil promotes skin nourishment and its anti- inflammatory property help to balance out oily skin, hydrating it and regulating the skin’s oil production.

Dryness in the skin can cause the overproduction of oil on your skin which in turn can cause acne. Ayouthveda Hemp Seed Body Yogurt prevents dry skin without clogging pores which reduce acne that’s caused by excess oil. Omega-6 fatty acids that hemp seeds contain GLA (Gamma-linolenic acid), is a potent anti-inflammatory which encourages skin growth and cell division or new cell generation.

It also calms irritation on the skin, including acne and also keeps nourished and moisturized skin. Besides being the best moisturizer for dry skin, Ayouthveda Hemp Seed Body Yogurt also has anti-ageing properties; it reduces fine lines and wrinkles. The oleic and linoleic acids found in hemp seeds can’t be produced by the body but can play a crucial role in skin health and anti- ageing. Ayouthveda Hemp Seed Body Yogurt is a choice of moisturizer for winter, which not just smoothes and brightens skin but also boosts elasticity and eases acne. It treats dry skin and hydrates it while keeping it nourished and revitalized skin.

This yogurt is cruelty free and we make sure that neither we nor our partners do any harm to any creature. That is 100% entailed. Ayouthveda Hemp Seed Body Yogurt is dermatologically tested for safety and irritants by experts.